Chic Teak

Timeless teak furniture, treasured for generations

Chic Teak designs and sells elegant, sustainable, top-quality teak furniture for garden enthusiasts. Crafted from the finest Indonesian heartwood teak, their collection is designed to look effortlessly stylish whilst being brilliantly practical and durable.

Chic Teak were looking for a more holistic approach to their marketing, with more consumer touchpoints to raise awareness of the brand beyond a very loyal Client base.

Brand development and getting the foundations in place

After carrying out a thorough marketing review and competitor audit, we started by developing the brand to communicate more of the high-end quality cues the products and service are known for. The logo was developed and a photography shoot commissioned. We then ensured all foundations were in place such as a trade marketing strategy to include trade advertising and direct mail, the development of Chic Teak’s email offering and social media strategy.

A snapshot of my work

  • Brand development

    Brand development included logo evolution, creation of brand guidelines, tone of voice and copywriting and a new photography direction

  • Trade strategy

    Targeting of landscape, garden and interior designers and architects through Direct Mail, email and trade advertising

  • Digital marketing strategy

    Email marketing strategy which included creation of new e-crm template and monthly writing of emails as well as social media

Let's discuss how I can bring your vision to life.


Todenham Manor Farm


Godwins Solicitors LLP